Sahar Save The Date
Assaf July 6, 2022

Our Story

The Meeting

After being in the Tomorrowland a week apart from each other, and being in Amsterdam just a few days apart, they finally met, this time in Kitchener, Canada. Assaf got there by the end of October 2014 and after one month of waiting, Sahar arrived.
On her first day in Canada they went to Niagara Falls, Assaf didn't speak to her too much. And Just when it looked like the two don't have a chance of getting together, they were assigned to work with each other. There, in Cambridge mall, she started to ask him all kinds of weird questions. Assaf began to open up and speak with her. From that moment they never stopped talking, and just a week later they started dating.

July 6th, 2022

Halom BaHava,

Wedding Details

When & Where

The Reception

Hugs and kisses

The Ceremony

Breaking the glass

The Afterparty

Pool Party

Urban - Halom BaHava

Open in Waze

Sahar Hagag

Assaf tells about Sahar:

Have you ever seen a movie which the hero inserts a coin into the slot machine and wins it all? Have you seen people with so much luck that you just can't tell if it's real or staged? Introducing you to Sahar Hagag (soon to be Avigdori), luck it's her second name, and prophecy it's her third. If she dreams of something, get ready for it to happen. It's already 7 years that I am experiencing it and it just keeps on happening. This girl is not only my future wife, she is also my best friend.

Assaf Avigdori

Sahar tells about Assaf:

Introducing you - a walking genius, pretty and smart, but sorry he is mine. How did we end up together? because I just couldn't stop talking to him and ask him all kinds of questions, very odd ones! It's strange, but he kept answering all of them, that's when I realized that he is one of a kind, a person that will keep teaching me and open new worlds to me. Till today there is no question that remained unanswered, and if he doesn't know he will explore until he gets an answer for me. And what can I say about the generosity and the patience? I am grateful for each day that he tolerates my craziness. They say that love is dying as the years go by? I am sure that it's just because they haven't met Assaf.